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Skeitti tukkumyyjäsi

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Tall Order

Founded by pro BMX rider Sebastian Keep in 2017, this UK brand has its foundation in his more than 25 years of BMX-riding. The vision behind the brand is to inspire and enable others to take part in the BMX community, using all their experience to create high functioning, quality, affordable products.

Tall Order BMX specializes in highly functional BMX bikes and BMX parts such as frames, hubs, and forks. Designed and engineered with the utmost care and dedication, most of the Tall Order bikes and parts are created to be ridden in the highest level of BMX. However, their selection also includes smaller Tall Order BMX bikes, perfect for kids starting their BMX journey.

Founded by pro BMX rider Sebastian Keep in 2017, this UK brand has its foundation in his more than 2...

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