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Dein Skategroßhändler

Centrano ist ein europäischer Großhändler von hochwertigen Skatebrands.

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Your own wave

Your Own Wave, commonly known as YOW, wants to bring surfing to the streets by offering surfskates, surfskate decks and hardware. They are owned and manufactured by HLC Distribution, along with brands like Jart, Cruzade, and Long Island longboards. The brand has created a range of YOW surfskates that give surfers that flowing feeling they crave when the real waves have gone to sleep. The YOW Meraki truck surfskate system is the culmination of the last 5 years of research and development.

The innovative truck system allows riding in three different spring hardness settings - soft, medium, and hard depending on riding style. The wheelbase of YOW can also be changed to different settings and if wanted the system can be turned off by using a simple wrench.

Your Own Wave, commonly known as YOW, wants to bring surfing to the streets by offering surfskates, ...

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